“My life is full and bountiful!” – Kelly reflects on her path

Aleks Ceho

I am feeling grateful today! I am reflecting on the decision I made that put me on my path towards fulfilling my life purpose – my destiny. I had no idea at the time that I was missing something in my life, but when I got a taste of it, I knew there was no turning back. 

The path of spiritual progression I have been on has expanded my life, offered me joy & fulfillment, and has opened the door to truly know myself. Even when, at the time, I thought taking the first step onto the path was the kookiest and weirdest things I had ever done. What I know now is that because of the empowerment and tools I received during that two-day class my life is full, bountiful, and oozing with joy & love. 

I’ve watched myself grow, and my family grow right along side me. I congratulate myself on trusting that inner knowing and going for it! Sending you my love & hope!”