A Special Message

Christina Mars MMS International

MAY 2020 ~ During this unprecedented time in our world, as initiates we must hold onto to the Light. The six goddesses from the western world of the Modern Mystery School Council of 12 share their messages of hope and joy below:


Dear Gods and Goddesses,

I hope you are keeping well during this time of your life. Remember the days when we spoke to ourselves, wishing for more time, wishing for more sleep, more time to think, more time to just breathe? I bet none of us thought that this was the way we were all going to actually get what we once wished for. Including myself.

This is a time no doubt difficult for many on so many levels. A time of uncertainty, fear, anxiety, panic, depression, withdrawal, and the list goes on. However, during this time especially we need to remind ourselves of who we are! Remind yourselves of your training, your initiations! All the tools that you have gained through your time on this path, the tools that many who surround you don’t have. The Light of this world is once again beginning to shine. The ship is beginning to change direction and it requires all of us to turn this ship so we can once again flow together in the Light, with the Light and for the Light. As the HRH Queen Elizabeth II eloquently said, “Better days will return.” And yes, better days WILL return! Light and Life is the stronger force.

We will, with no doubt, once again come together as a family, as one force, stronger than ever. Sharing the energy, sharing the light, sharing in the MISSION! Although it doesn’t look it or feel like it, this is a time of great OPPORTUNITY for each and every one of us! A time to really show the WARRIOR inside of us! A time to create unity, to be kind, to be compassionate, to be supportive, to be the holder of the energy for those that need it. A time to give and to be grateful. Also a time to fight. We are all in this together! And together we will PREVAIL!

Take this time to explore your PASSIONS! Take this time in isolation as a time to reset. Embrace it with JOY! It can get testy but embrace it anyways. This is your time! The time you have always wanted!  Explore! Create! Master yourself! Start putting the ingredients in your cauldron of life. Light the fire and start cooking all that you want to manifest. As part of our training we learned that Alchemy is a part of everything we do. What’s the elixir for your life? Alchemy is about raising the vibration. Keep your vibration high!

For myself at this time keeping my vibration high is definitely important. Being at home for this length of time is new for me. My schedule prior to this was always super busy. There was literally not enough time in a day. Now, well my day definitely is still busy but it just looks different. Self-discipline is very important to make sure things are being kept up on and that energy keeps moving. Things never really stop moving, still keeping up with the work at HQ but now from home. Part of my day is now dedicated to home schooling my son. Making sure he keeps up with learning and progressing. He’s 10 and a half years old and full of SUPER energy!!! Thank GOD for our Hermetic teachings. The Hermetic way of teaching can be simply applied to activities and school lessons for our children. Making learning fun for all different type of children. Being in service of course is something that hasn’t stopped — that still continues.

Sharing a little bit of how I am keeping my vibration high: I exercise (cardio, weight training and yoga), I’m constantly moving my body, my energy. I am keeping up with beauty regimes, eating good homemade food (I love to cook!), having good thoughts, listening to awesome music and spending time with my family. Love my family! Another exciting moment for me — I have some time to organize my castle! Of course for those of you that know me, Starbucks is still a part of the Lanyons’ daily regime!

In reminding yourself who you are and in keeping with that, here are a few tips to help keep your vibration high:

  1. Move your body. Exercise, Yoga, Chi Do, Dance and different body stretches. Exercise for your body will do good for you mentally, physically and emotionally.
  2. Listen to music that lifts up your soul and lifts up your being!
  3. Organize your home. Keep the energy clean.
  4. Clean eating. Good food. Meaning food that is for you and your body and the goals you are trying to accomplish with your health.
  5. This should be a given…Do your Rituals and connect with the elements.
  6. Meditate
  7. Sleep well and drink lots of water.
  8. Start a new project and keep your creative juices flowing.
  9. Have good thoughts. Stay positive.
  10. Do what you love! Be passionate!

This is a short list. The list in fact can go on. Use this list as a reminder, use it as tips, use it to add to an already existing list you have. Whatever it may be keep your vibration high!

Dear Brother and Sisters, from my home to your home, I wish you lots of love and good health! Stay positive and stay safe.

Franca Lanyon


Hi everyone!

I do miss your hugs and seeing your beautiful faces up close! Things have changed so much since we were last together and I welcome this opportunity to connect with you.

We have a lot of information circulating right now. There is media overload and many of us have more time to spend in front of our screens. Now, more than ever, it is important to discern where we allow our attention to be drawn, what we give our energy to and how we maintain our vibration on a high and radiant level.

It is natural to have a fright, fight or flight response to change or stress. Our Light can redirect this.

It is important to remember who we are. We are initiates in the Lineage of King Salomon and we have legions of Angels at our backs. Are you inviting the unseen world at its highest vibration into your life daily?

Our rituals and our meditations are ideally placed to make this so. I find rising early with the dawn at 6 a.m. (when the world is quiet) is my favorite time. As a physician I am working more in hospital to meet the increasing needs. My rituals keep me both strong and compassionate in my work. I also find Chi Do a wonderful energizer! If you have forgotten how, please reconnect with your Guide and do it online. Those who have Galactic Chi Do remember to practice before 7 a.m.

Once your self-care is in place, reach out to family, friends and communities to shine your light! Help in every way you can! There is a reason you are an initiate and now is a wonderful time to remember all that you’ve learned in those classes you attended!

Our world needs you, switched on, bright and shining!! Your Guide is a wonderful source of information and caring. The Council of 12 is also here to help in every way we can.

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are always with you, and you are never far from our hearts.

With my love,


Dear Initiates in the Lineage of King Salomon! 

I hope you are healthy and taking care of yourselves. I am writing to check-in with you, to remind you of some of our teachings and tools that you could be practicing during this time. During this social isolation we are “forced” to look inside, one of our most important teachings: “Who are you?” For myself, bringing AWARENESS of every little thing during my day is key.

We are at home all day, so what does your home look like?
Is it supporting you or making your more stressed?
Is it cozy, beautiful, organized or cluttered?
Now is the time to organize all those drawers and closets that we never had time to organize before. Your house is your temple. Does it fit a queen or a king?

As without so within!

How are you treating your body? The body is also your temple.
Are you exercising, moving, dancing, breathing, stretching?
Are you eating a healthy diet, now that you have the time to choose and prepare your meals?

The energy that we receive from spirit every day is flowing through our physical body. If it is full of blockages, whether it be physical energy blocks, emotional or mental that energy won’t flow and support us as much as it could.

Another teaching we could explore on our path is: “What is your purpose?”
One of the answers could be: TO HAVE JOY! And to give joy!

During this time, I am finding joy in all different things during my day!

Breakfast is my favorite meal. I love my papaya, scrambled eggs and tapioca. The key is to be present when you are cooking or having your breakfast, enjoying yourself. If I am cleaning the house, I put loud music on so I can dance and have fun. If you are with your loved one, be present, breathe together and make it sacred. Choose the people you want to connect with, it is time to make real connections, listen first and then talk. Allow space for them to be themselves and for you to be yourself. This is the time for you to find who you truly are!

This new energy that is coming in, it is not supporting anything that is not connected to the core of your real self, your truth; which might be different than my truth. It is time to dig inside and find YOUR LIGHT and YOUR EXPRESSION.

You have all the tools you need.

Have fun and be yourself!

Hugs and Kisses,



Hi Initiates,

We are going through a time of “Reset” as a result of the current pandemic. The orders to stay at home and “social distance” are giving us all space to get connected with ourselves again. During this collective pause, we are also being asked to look at our health habits and how our daily choices and actions affect our own health and that of others.

Behind all of this, there is an alchemy at work. Alchemy is about purification, transformation, and raising vibration. For sure we are being asked to purify ourselves by bringing greater awareness to our hygiene and the cleanliness of our environments and interactions with each other. And without a doubt, life as we have known it is transforming, and will be different when we emerge from this time. The question is: how will it be different? I feel that is largely up to each of us as individuals to work together and be part of the collective solution. Are we learning what we need to from this time? Are we implementing new and better practices into our lives that help us purify and hold a higher vibration? How can we integrate better daily lifestyle choices into our lives that will help us raise our vibration and make us more receptive to the light, as well as support our immune systems to be strong?

One thing that I have learned in my own journey is that it is the little daily practices that add up to be the most supportive and sustainable in the long run. As initiates, we are given some great tools at the Empower Thyself training, that are meant to be daily tools for life: rituals, meditation, Chi Do, prayer, awakening our senses, deeper teachings that help us to know ourselves as Eternal Beings, and so forth. By implementing these into our daily lives, we create a strong foundation for ourselves that rests upon our spiritual empowerment. This creates what we might call strong spiritual immunity, being able to maintain our center of balance amidst the chaos of the outer world. Staying in peace, love, and clarity, rather than getting caught up in the fear and drama of those around us. This spiritual immunity supports our physical immunity. It’s well known that stress weakens our immune system. Fear and drama add to stress. Our daily spiritual practice helps to reduce stress and bring us back to center.

In addition to the daily practice of our tools for life, we also need to purify our body and eat high vibrational foods that support our system. There are many ways to do that, and ultimately, each person must come to Know Thyself and know what is best for your own body, as each body is unique. To find that best way for us, we must learn to listen to the wisdom of our body, as it will tell us what is and isn’t supportive of it. But first, we need to learn how to listen to it. And that often requires a process of cleansing to clear out the pollution (both physical and mental) so that we can cut through the noise and give our body a chance to get back to homeostasis.

Personally, I have taken many of the Galactic Activation Teachings to heart, as well as other wisdom teachings from our lineage, and combined these with various integrative health approaches to help guide me in my search for greater physical and spiritual health. I’ve done a number of cleanses over the years, and have come to a rhythm of trying to do at least 1 cleanse a year now. Sometimes it’s a 7-day juice cleanse, other times it is an herbal cleanse guided by a health-care practitioner or naturopathic doctor. Drinking plenty of clean spring water (2-3 liters per day, ideally), is also really important for supporting the body to flush toxins out. And as I’ve gradually transitioned more and more to a plant-based diet, I’ve personally learned I need to be mindful that I am still getting adequate protein (such as through lentils, chickpeas, greens) and certain other nutrients. One thing that has really worked for me over the years is a morning smoothie routine that helps me get it all in at the beginning of the day. I tend to prefer low maintenance and easy to implement approaches that I can use no matter where I am traveling to. So my morning shake/smoothie is how I do that. I’m not much of a cook, but here are two personal recipes I enjoy.

Basic smoothie recipe:

  • 2 cups of spring water in a blender or shaker cup (some people also like to use almond or coconut milk for a creamier flavor)
  • 20-30 grams of plant protein powder
  • 1 Banana or whatever fruit you like most (if you have a blender. But when I only have my shaker bottle I skip the fruit)
  • 1 teaspoon of Spirulina
  • 15-20 drops of mint Chlorophyll
  • I also add in my ionic liquid minerals like zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium, and perhaps some herbal immune support such as the liquid Wellness Formula, but that is really a personal thing.
  • Blend it all up and drink it down. The taste is based on the flavor of protein powder you get (I prefer vanilla flavor usually), plus any fruit you might add in.

Vegan Chia Seed Parfait Recipe (this could work as a desert or a breakfast cereal):

  • 1-2 tablespoons of raw chia seeds in a bowl
  • Add coconut milk, enough to cover the chia seeds (the less you add, the more pudding-like the chia seeds will be, the more you add, the more cereal-like. I tend to add a bit more – this isn’t an exact science ;-), just be sure to stir continuously while the chia seeds are expanding, otherwise they become a goopy blob.
  • Organic Fruit: blueberries, cut strawberries, sliced banana, whatever you like.
  • Organic Sprouted seeds & nuts: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, whatever you like
  • Eat with a spoon and enjoy! It’s packed with protein, fiber, omegas, and anti-oxidants.

Remember, finding easy ways to integrate supportive practices into your daily life in a sustainable way is what will serve us most in the long run. This is about creating a way of life that really helps us hold a higher level of light, a higher vibration, in our lives on an ongoing basis. Ultimately, it is a personal thing, and the only way to really figure out what works for you is to Know Thyself and listen to your own body and how it responds.


May you all stay safe, healthy, and in the light.






Dear Initiates of the MMS in the Lineage of King Salomon,

I hope this finds you and yours in good health and spirits. We find ourselves in an unusually challenging period that is for sure. Yet these times also afford us an opportunity unprecedented.

From the heart of the South African HQ we are sending you loving prayers in this time of adversity. We know that things in the world are somewhat challenging right now and that it is just the beginning of trying times. It is also the time of introspection and planting new seeds, new beginnings!

We would like to remind you that you are not alone and invite you to reach out should you find yourself feeling blue.

 As initiates, we have the tools of the lineage to keep us centered and in equilibrium. Our ritual work is now even more important than ever before to assist us in this and bring about a sense of peace and harmony.

Our normal operations in the world will have to be a little different than usual at present with the lockdown policies in most of the countries, and rightly so. It is important to stay home right now and minimize exposure to the Covid-19 viral load as much as possible.

This is the time to take care of yourself, your family and animals. Get enough rest, exercise and eat healthy. Let us be responsible and make sure our weaker folks are kept safe — the immune compromised, elderly and sick must not be exposed to more than their bodies need to cope with. Healthy ones take this time to get even stronger, trimmer and sexier!

Use this time to go within. We have been told throughout the ages: this is where you will find all the answers! You have heard meditation enhances the immune system and scientifically it has been proven to be true! Now we have time to do those things we always find excuses not to do!

Ultimately, I would like to remind you all that when we live at our highest level of being, we are literally immune to everything! When we are centered, balanced, have stable and healthy personal boundaries, we don’t get sick. So, keep high in Light and vibration and clear from negative energies. Be positive and guard your thoughts and mind from the onslaught of the media. Guarding our thoughts has become more imperative than ever with the collective consciousness out there right now. We know that all thought is acted upon, so let’s re-direct what everyone else is concentrating on and we focus on manifesting Shamballa. Therefore, stay informed and yet don’t get bogged-down by what’s happening in the media!

Fill your cells with Light and vibrate at the frequency of Love.

Many ask me so how I do that? The answer is easy…. Utmost GRATITUDE! Gratitude allows us to vibrate at Divine Frequency! Be grateful for everything that you have, as well as that that you don’t have! Having genuine gratitude raises your vibration, connects you with your Light body and therefore brings about true ascension. True Knowing Thyself!

I personally do it through song. Yes! I sing! Everything from the Lord’s Prayer to the Prayer of Protection, Amazing Grace to Billy Jean. Try it! I challenge you! Even singing the Blues will keep you out of the tumultuous happenings in the world. LIVE LIFE ALIVE, dear family. Find JOY in every moment!

Hey Jude, 
Don’t make it Bad. 
Take a sad song 
and Make it better 
Remember to let it into your heart 
then you can start- 
to make it better-better-better-better-OH YEAH!

Stay safe dear family, till we meet again!

With utmost love and gratitude for you all being in my life!

Feel free to connect with me or check out my website for more titbits every day!


I hope that you and your loved ones are doing well.

Here in London, I’m self-isolating with my husband Robin and our dog Sherlock.

As most of you know, I travel a lot and so does my husband. We are also used to spending long periods of time together due to his work, so I feel like we have had some pre-training already! However I can certainly relate if you are not used to being together 24/7, it can be a wonderful experience but it can also be testing!

I have found that having a routine has always worked for our family. We are disciplined with the routine but we also make it fun. We make a schedule of things that we like to do day-to-day. With us now being on lockdown we have had to review that list and adjust as needed. For example, I now train at home instead of the gym.

We are really putting the 4 Worlds into use: Idea, Thought, Plan and Action!

Over the years of getting to know myself, I have discovered that I need to move each day, I train in the gym, run, walk, dance, whatever it is, I have tried all sorts. At the moment, I’m loving my adventure with weight-lifting and have been doing this for the past 2 years. I follow a vegan diet and have been a vegetarian for most of my life, but here is a secret….I’m not a cook!  It’s not always easy to create food that can support my lifestyle on the road or indeed even at home. I have to be very disciplined about this.  That can be a scary word but it’s necessary to create any magick in your life and one of the Rules of the Magician.

When we apply discipline, we can create wonderful magick. Here is an outline of what magick I like to create each day using discipline:

  • Practice my rituals each day
  • A salt bath each day
  • Train each day with good loud music
  • 30g of protein within 1 hour of waking up
  • Eat plant based food
  • Watch something fun. I love movies — in fact my first profession was in TV/Film!
  • Walk each day
  • Check in on my clients and team in the UK & Europe
  • Answer emails and texts to keep on top of them as to not get overwhelmed
  • Meditate

This is how I’m disciplined in my routine. Notice that it doesn’t have to be boring or things you don’t like. Discipline can mean making time for love, for fun, for self care … whatever you like!

Our routine helps keep a structure. I find that as an Indigo, a structure that I can work with helps me grow, having no structure can result in me getting bored and making poor choices for myself. In these times, it could be to eat foods that don’t support my mental health, not training which again effects my mental and physical health, and so on. You get the picture.

My routine is what creates that flow of light into my life, it is what I need to function at my optimum level.

This works for my family however I’m not suggesting it would fit for all . But I invite you to look at the Rules for Magicians and see if there are any adjustments you can make to your life using those guidelines. Discipline and Balance are ones that help me tremendously in everyday life and also even more so now!

Wishing you all a magical time!
